20210307 + Up in the am and Hazel and I ran G to baseball practice at Academy Park. I met one of the new dads and we chatted a bit. Hazel and I took a lap around the park while I talked to a buddy who's son was in a really bad car accident last week. The boys did good at practice and it was great to see them outside. We headed home where L was doing yard work out front and I stayed out and cleaned up the garage. We had some lunch and then Hazel and I went to the dog park and she played for while. We headed home and swung through Wendy's to get a frosty just as J was getting to work. Home and Hazel crashed from a long day and L&I watched a couple comedians on Netflix until time for American Idol. GpaW called and chatted with him a bit and then finished American Idol with L. J home from work and G off the Xbox, everyone to bed and I watched the Walking Dead before staring at the ceiling until 5:45am...