20210220 - Dog Shark

20210220 - Up LATE and getting some things done, sap buckets and spiles cleaned and ready, ebay shipped, rest of the weekend planned. I then dressed warm and Hazel and I headed to post office, Goodwill and the dog park. Hazel found a dog about her size and they tore off jumping and tackling and nipping and having a good old time. It is so cold there is no mud! We stayed about an hour and you can tell she’s bigger and stronger and more confident. We swung through Wendy’s and she got her mini frosty. Home and got G and headed to Dominican U for his pitching lesson. It has been a long time since he has thrown and he got stretched out and did good. Home for a bit where we removed some of G’s Pokémon listings from eBay for fear they are fakes. The guy that bought a card last night looked through our listings and let us know which ones to get rid of. G&I then ran to Dbat for his hitting lesson. He did really good hitting. Home and L reported water in the basement... I went down and had a look... Our main 3" copper drain pipe has cracked... So I made a list and headed to the Home Depot and got some supplies. home and D&DGF13 here. D helped me carry things to the basement and we chatted a bit. Kids left and I got the pipe sealed off good enough for the night, don't want to work on it with stores closed in case something goes wrongs... L&I watched a bit of TV before heading to bed.