20201115 - Windy

20201115 - Up in the am and today is a windy mess. G listed an item on ebay. J&I headed out, got some gas, back to the house to find his debit card and then ran to Reynoldsburg to pick up and auction win and make sure his new OhiOOddities debit card worked. We then hit Home Depot for some supplies for the next rip up to the Farm. We saw a massive tree on a house on the way to our last stop at Kroger for COVID supplies. Home and got the groceries to the basement, unpacked and organized and auction wins in to the office. Th office is getting full... Trimmed the vines around the windows of the office and our bedroom. Grant packed and shipped 4 monitors. Finally done running and sat int he living room on the PC and got some things updated and organized. Gma&paW lost power due to the wind blowing a tree over and taking out power lines. L&I watched some TV and messed around on our PCs. J headed in to work. Chris over for zombies. Jack home from work and we had an early night, all to bed in good time. GpaW reported the power was back on about 1am. Last time I looked at the clock was 4:08...