20201103 + Up in the am and L&I out of the house and the boys on their own. I headed to vote, there was no line, done! I headed across town to meet up with D and some DataField guys to clean out some storage units. We worked all day and moved tons of stuff around to get it organized and cleaned up. At the end of a very long day we had reduced 4 units in to 2 and had a complete inventory of everything. Home and carried stuff in to list on ebay for work. G home from basketball practice and LG&I sat down to eat. After dinner D and DGF11 showed up to get D's desk. We chatted with them a bit before G&I helped them get the desk dismantlement and loaded in D's car. They took off and G set up the new monitor I brought home for him today and J home from being out with friends got his monitor set up as well. L&I hunkered down in the living room and got the TV on to watch the election results. What a night of speculation and anticipation. I stayed up until 3am hoping there would be a result but that conclusion evaded me and the rest of the world for today...