20180923 - Up late, D&DGF7 here, L made bfast for everyone and cut D's hair. LD&DGF7 went shopping for stuff for D, J transferring his room, G on the Xbox and I headed to the office to get organized. I ran J&G to help with an Eagle project, swung by and got gas, post office to ship things, Goodwill to donate things, then home to get more done. L went to get J&G about an hour later and once they got home we all headed to MOD Pizza for dinner. After dinner we dropped D&DGF7 off at the house so D could get on the road in good time. LJG&I headed up the road to get some school shoes. We found a pair for G, what a miserable experience, exactly why I don't shop... We got G to basketball practice a couple min late and then headed home. I headed to the gym and worked out. Home and got a shower, to bed, L&I started watching, L asleep in 10 min.