20180913 + Up late in the am as J is sick and not going to school. In to the conference room all morning to make headway on the internal website, then got my butt kicked at shuffleboard again... Finished the day strong and headed home. J was still miserable and G was dressed for baseball practice, L&I headed to Reynoldsburg to pick up auction items. on the way L told stories of her day and that today one of her tiny students left a turd on the floor for her :-o hahahaha! Makes my days sound pretty good. We picked up the fantastic purchases and and headed home swinging through Arby's to pick up dinner. Home and ate with J and then rushed to the baseball field only to be 30 min early to pick G up which gave me plenty of time to frustrate Tom & Bill. Got G and home to settle in for the night watching some game shows until bed.