20171123 - Up in the am and DJG&I headed down to the Farmhouse to meet up with the hunters. All suited up in our orange and off to the hunt. The uncles and dog are getting a bit slow and G was our main pheasant kiker-up-er. We saw about half of the pheasants we set out and most of them laughed at us as we all shot at them and watched them fly away. At the end of the hunt Greg got 2, and D&I each got 1. We headed to the Springhouse and cleaned up the birds and headed up to the house to get cleaned up. All cleaned up and we headed down to the Farmhouse to meet with the family and share stories and memories. Hard not having Martha there this year. The food was good and there was plenty of it. We stayed lat and put together puzzles and had a good time. Back up to the house to slow down, unwind and look at ads. So thankful to have this family and for my boys to be a part of it.