100217 - Snowman Bones

100217 - Up and full day at the desk. J's Dr called and we now have a bone marrow test for J next Wed... J looks pretty pale and the circles under his eyes seem to be darkening and growing...
When the boys got home from school they went outside and played splendidly together. Even enough cooperation to build a snowman!
Dinner and D off to basketball practice, J&I played war and G was just LOUD!
Gma&paW called tonight with the news that the shed next to the silo had collapsed! And Dusty and Nibbles were trapped inside :-o Lenard Dolce came over and helped them get the ponies out, they were scared but OK :-) The snow was too much for the roof. More work tomorrow to get the tractor out...
Jeff came over and we did some pretax business true/clean-up stuff. I stayed up late and balanced the CREI books for 2009, 3am...