20220322 - Up in the am and LJ&G at school. I got my morning stuff done and had a team call. J home and back out for lunch. Hazel and I headed to the pet store to get her some food and back to the desk. I got some things done I the afternoon and headed out. Gma&paW were down this way and headed over. I headed out to pick G up from baseball. J headed out shopping with Gma&paW. I got G and headed home and we ate. D and DGF13 showed up with all his laundry. DGF13 and I chatted while L&D got his stuff in the wash, then L ran G out to meet up with J&Gma&paW to do some shopping. After a bit LJ&G showed up with bags and bags full of stuff. GmaW’s eye appointment wasn’t great and she may have surgery tomorrow to reattach her retina.