20190318 - Up in the am and dropped J off at school on the way in to work. Nice quiet morning, getting things lined up for the day and week. Had a busy day of all sorts of stuff, ran to Scout store and ended with 3 hours of meetings... Home and L made us dinner and we ate together. I then split off to go to a Booster meeting and L took J&G to Scouts where she stayed to see the boys get their merit badges I got at the store today, that they didn't even pass out, sigh... Booster meeting was good and I ran to pick boys up from Scouts and chatted with some of the guys for a bit. Home for a minute and then got Doc and headed to Bible Bangers, we had someone join us at the table tonight for our discussion, that's what its all about... Doc was very weak and tired, but he went. Home and up til 3 putting in Booster minutes and doing actions from the meeting.