20190310 - Up slow in the am and ran G & Brady to baseball practice. Home and had a cinnamon roll with L while she looked through the paper with an old black and white movie playing. In to the office to get some things done. L ran to get J, he is SICK and went to bed for the entire day. G home and he hung out, no electronic today, L went to the 'Lion King' in Johnstown with her friend Marlene, who's son was in the play. she loved it and had a great time. Everyone back home, J came down for a bit and G&I ran to post office, bank and Cane's to get dinner. We ate together and then hung out in the living room watching TV and working on the PC until time for The Walking Dead. Chris came over and we headed to the basement to watch the show. I was up till 2 working on the new tool.