20190315 - Up in the am and J is going to try school today so dropped him off on the way in to work. Forgot my badge this morning... In to the desk a lot going on this morning. Got morning tasks done about noon. There was a poetry contest at work and someone wrote a poem about me.. Had a couple unexpected meetings pop up that ate up the afternoon. Home and got G and ran him to Scouts for a camp out this weekend. Home and picked up L&J and we headed to Moe's for dinner. Home and J&I started watching The Shining and D showed up with DGF9 for a quick visit, he ran home to see his buddy Drew home from Navy basic training. L joined J&I as we finished The Shining, she was a jerky scared mess and then she refused to join us for the final movie of the night, The Exorcist... D swung back past the house on his way out of town, good to see him, even if only for a moment. J&I up late finishing our movie. J liked them both, getting him caught up on the horror classics!