20181231 - Up in the am and in through the hard rain to the office. Had meetings solid all morning. Got the rollout of the digital handbook finished up and out of my hands for final execution. Got some other critical tasks lined up and then finished the morning with a meeting. Headed to G's basketball game at Capital University and got there for the last couple min and got to see G play a bit. They were tied most of the game but lost right at the end... Home and D gone, he went to his roommates in Sydney OH for the night. Home and relaxed a bit and then J drove LG&I through the horrible rain to Arby's for dinner. We had a good dinner and swung by the house before heading to to the McClain's. We were there only a short while before J wanted to go home so I ran him home and tried to get him to find something to do with his friends, even though he had all day to do so but chose to play video games and not make arrangements... no one responded so I headed back to the McClains and left J at home alone for New Year's Eve, not real happy about that... Hung out at the McClain's, J called about 11:30 and wanted to know when we would be home... we played a couple games and watched the ball drop. Didn't stay too long after midnight, home and J still on the couch where I left him. All to bed late. Happy New Year!