20181202 - Up in the am and all to church. Home for a bit and L went to Delaware to see GGmaK. J&I shipped ebay stuff and then he drove to the Post Office, gas station and we swung through Kroger to get some nuts and dried fruit for me to take to work. We saw Bill there and chatted a second. Home and I got some more stuff done while J&G played on the Xbox until their arguing with each other through the Xbox and I could hear them from both upstairs and downstairs yelling at each other forced me to disconnect the network for my own sanity... I made them eat and then G&I headed to Johnstown for his basketball game. G didn't shoot much today but played very well. The boys won easily and we headed home. We all ate and then JG&I sat at the table finishing up Scout stuff. When we got to a stopping point we headed in to the living room and watched a cute Christmas movie. All to bed in good time.