20181224 + Up in the am and in to work. I wore another Christmas outfit and went around the office passing out candy canes and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. I managed to get things done and organized for return after Christmas and headed out early to go to the Cole's for Christmas Eve lunch and gift exchange. It was a nice event with L's side of the family and always fun. The 5 of us headed home and relaxed for only a minute before we headed to our church. The service was nice, a bit loud with all the kids, but a good message and traditional songs. I love singing the traditional songs, but find it hard to sing at times as they bring up memories of family member that I remember singing with as a boy and they are not here anymore... After church we headed home and Gma&paB showed up. We hung out and visited and watched some TV. Everyone to bed in good time and Santa showed up early.