20190101 + Up in the am and got some ebay things shipped and L got J&G around and we all headed to Delaware for a Kraft Family New Year's Day lunch. We had to ring D's phone to get him moving... When we arrived I had to pick the lock on the HVAC system to shut off the blasting heat so we all didn't bake and then we had a nice lunch and got to visit with folks. D showed up and ate and then LDJG&I walked down to GGmaK's apartment and shouted at here for a couple of minutes, she is doing ok considering her age. We head back to the party for just a bit and then headed home, J rode with D and LG&I swung by the post office and the McClain's on the way home to ship things and pick up L's purse. Home and D&I ran to LL Bean to exchange our boots Gma W got us and it took fooorrreevvveeerrr... Finally got the boots, Not sure mine are still the right size, will have to wait and see... We swung through Buffalo Wings and placed and order and then home to try and catch up on the OSU Rose Bowl game. D ran back and picked up our food and we all settled in the basement to watch the game. The Buckeyes made us very nervous towards the end but pulled off the win. L&J headed to bed and DG&I stayed up watching more football and playing UNO on our phones with Thomas. D eventually went to bed and G&I stayed up to finish the Sugar Bowl. To bed and could not sleep. Last glance at the clock 3:30am....