20130819 - First & Worst
20130819 - Up in the am and stayed home to take first day of school pictures and walk the boys to school. Each year is different, this year G without hesitation vanished into the school almost before L&I could say goodbye. In to work for a busy day of catching up. L, home alone, did more dog shaving and flea treating. Home, changed and to the ball field. This was the first game D attended for Fall ball and he did very well, the whole team did. That is until the bad, and I mean the worse officiating I have ever seen, started to interfere with the game. One horrible call and we were mad. The second horrible call and our head coach protesting got thrown out... We were robed, but the boys fought back and ultimately lost due to the 2 hr time limit... All home and I heard all about the new classes and friends an back to school stuff. I read a book to J&G and then all boys to bed. Up late shipping.