20130804 - Watering Grass
20130804 - Up sluggish for yesterday's adventures. This is the first I've seen D for a week. He had a lot of stories about camp that he told me while we ran a couple of errands, including dropping G off at a friends for a day at Zumbeze Bay. We kind of hung out around the house during the day. Buys must have been tired as they became a bit hard to deal with, especially the largest grumpiest one... We ran some school shopping errands in the evening and then had the ost horrible service at a restaurant we have had in years: adding to the ban list Steak n' Shake Easton. Home and trying to relax to prep for the week, G now spending the night at his buddy's house, and L just remembered she saw water in the basement yesterday... sure enough the main drain line is backed up... Boys had to get ready for bed in the backyard...