20130831 - Obvious Fail

20130831 - Up in the am, doing things around the house getting ready to go to G's baseball game. The boys fighting like crazy, nothing stops them or even diverts their constant stream of hatred towards each other...  Reaching my breaking point I physically separate them...  Now there is silence and compliance. D is left at home with strict orders of mowing our yard and then checking with Doc to see If he needs any help. LJG&I to G's baseball game. I am very upset about what just happened at home and John even asks if I am ok...  I really can't take the fighting between the boys at this level...
G's team played ok, not to the level they did in the spring, but here they are the youngest team in the league... I texted Dylan and let him know if he was done with his tasks he could ride his bike to the park. He did.  L was working the concession stand. G's team won an we all headed home, passing D on the way home.  Home and watched what was left of the OSU football game, not very impressive...  Ran some errands with D&J. We brought home pizza and movies for dinner. Better ending to the day than the start...