20240426 - New Wheels for L

20240426 - Up in the am and at the desk. Took Hazel on a walk and made some calls. D stopped over so I had him go with me to the car lot to test drive the car we’re looking at. We drove it and they fixed the  brakes and shake. They had another nice car there that D and I took out and swung by the house for L to try, she didn’t like it.  Back to the dealer and started the deal on a car for L. D had to leave for a game so I took him home and got J to run me to TUFFY to get the license plate off of G’s old car and then to the dealership to finish the deal on a 2010 Mercedes Benz GLK 350. Got everything done and headed to G’s game in New Albany with the new (used) car. Got to the field and got the camera set up. Gma&paW were there to watch the game. G played well but the boys lost. Gma&paW, L, D, DGF13 & I headed to Rusty Bucket for a nice dinner. Home and L checked out her new car.