20220523 - Up in the am and G at school and I jumped on an early call. I then packed things up and headed in to the office as J was getting up to return his Chromebook and L was cooking stuff for the upcoming graduation party. Stopped Home Depot to return the left over materials from this weekend's projects. Made it to the office and went over my CB list and unpacked the monitors, auction stuff and ladder. Gathered up some mail, checked in with Cory and headed home. Home and getting a couple of things done at the desk. Lonie called and they are letting him out of the hospital early, so I jumped in the car and headed to Lancaster. Picked Lonie up, took him to his car and then followed him home and made sure he didn't need anything. Headed home, swung through the carwash on the way. Home and made some left over Chinese and got settled at the computer for the rest of the day. L ran G to baseball practice. After work I started taking the front door threshold apart and figuring out how to clean it up. Then I did a bit of repair work on Shelly’s arm and nose. L&G home and we ate. Gary and Marlene stopped by to drop off a table, check out my car and chat for a bit. L&I then headed to Home Depot and searched for the stuff to fix up the threshold. We got a conglomeration of stuff I think I can make work and headed home.