20220519 - Up in the am and L&I took some pics of J before he headed to his last day of high school. About mid-day J came home and announced he passed and would graduate! AMEN! I found his picture from his 1st day of kindergarten and superimposed it on the pic we took this morning. Same cute kid with weird hair, just a lot bigger. I headed out and walked Hazel. The mulch showed up. J home and upstairs turning missing assignment... I finished work and then painted the rest of the back facia while L spread 50 bags of mulch! In and exhausted, we sat in the living room tv on surfing on our phones. J headed to Larson's for the night, has one more test tomorrow am and needs to turn in his Chromebook, then he, and some friends are heading up to JGF6's family lake house on Middle Bass Island.