20190224 - Up in the am and we took all our stuff, got packed up and J&G climbed the water tower to see the sights before we all jumped in the car and headed to McD's for bfast and on to the grave of King Tut and the ball field. Much windier and colder today than yesterday. The game started and no D on the field. J&G had had enough of waiting on D to play so they bailed out to sit in the warm car and play on their phones. L&I huddled in the stands and cheered on the team. After 4 innings I went to check on J&G and they had migrated to the practice turf Football field to have some fun. As I returned to my seat at the top of the 6th D ran in to the short stop position! I called J&G and they came running to watch. D did great in the field, turned a double play and picked a guy off stealing. He only got one at bat and hit it up the middle on the ground and thrown out at first, but came with an RBI so it was a quality at bat. WC Baseball lost 8-5 and we hung out a bit until the team walked out, said by to Dylan and then headed home with a stop about an hour up the road to see Pollard's Collection, 350 bumpers planet in the ground (bumper crop) an airplane crashed in his backyard and other stuff all over. We grabbed a bite to eat and hit the road for another 3 hours, got stuck in traffic for an hour, stopped to eat and drove 3 more hours. Finally home to find Lilly hiding in the bathtub scared of the high winds... It was too much driving, too cold, too windy, too wet, but we got to see our boy play 3 innings at the next level as a freshman. Definitely worth the trip!