20190216 - Up in the am and at the desk doing biweekly money stuff. Got a bunch of other things organized and then had J drive me around on errands, he was a bit more aggressive in the car this time... Home and got L&G and we headed to Delaware for G's basketball game. G did really well and the boys played hard but they lost, this marks the end of the season. Gma&paW came down to watch the game and we were going to do something with them afterwards but J had contacted me and let me know D was coming home. So I worked it out with Gma&paW that we would eat in Gahanna, so we could meet up with D, but it was a bit too much driving so LGI headed home, picked J up on the way and then on to MOD Pizza. We were standing in line and D walked in and surprised L and she hugged him so tight and so long he turned blue. He had brought a new girl with him and we all had a nice dinner and conversation. After dinner L went with D & DGF9 to Kroger to get him some groceries and gas. Home and we all played UNO for a bit before D had to get on the road to get DGF9 home. Everyone to bed in good time, I stayed up and made sure D got DGF9 home and himself, to bed late. Great to see my boy.