20190215 + Up in the am and L beat me out the door as J&G don't have school today. Rolled in to work and had a pretty frustrating morning. Cleared the decks in the afternoon to get things lined up for a productive weekend and start of next week. Home and picked up LJ&G and dropped J&G off at a Scout merit badge overnighter. L&I then headed the back-way across town to try a new place, the Thai Mango. We got the front door and L would not go in.... So we walked next door and ate at Fitzy's Old Fashion Diner. It was really good and since we were next to a theater with no kids we decided to a movie. We saw the Upside, it was a cute movie. During the movie J called, multiple times, until I stepped out and took the call; J&G decided they didn't want to stay all night because the guy they were to meet with the next day was sick and not going to be there... So we headed home and picked J&G up and brought them home... I was up late working at the desk.