20190210 + Up in the am and J (a HORRIBLE BEAR this morning...) & G got ready for Scout Sunday. We barely got to church on time (J) and J&G helped with the service, passing out bulletins, collecting offering etc. We survived church and headed home where G did a quick change and I ran him to baseball practice. Home for just a minute talking to crazy Dave on way, got some stuff and headed back to pick G up. G&I went to the bank to get $ for D out and then hit the gas station. Home for a bit, J sleeping... and G hit the Xbox instead of sleeping, L doing laundry and I got a bunch done at the desk and cleaned out the NFL stuff out of ebay. In the afternoon we got J up (still a BEAR) and headed out through the thick snow to drop things off at Goodwill and on to G game in Reynoldsburg through some pretty heavy snow. G fell asleep. It was slow going but we got there and played some ball. The boys played great to start and almost lost it in the end. They pulled out a W and we headed back out into the snow. We stopped at the Winking Lizard for a light dinner and then on home, J&G fell asleep... Home and I did some work on the scout merit badge books until Chris and Vinny showed up to watch The Walking Dead, it was a good show tonight. After the guys left, I stayed up late watching the 100 and finishing up the merit badge book review.