20160903 - 3 Skunkings

20160903 - LD&J up and out to J's CC meet J knocked a minute off his time down to 15:20. G&I headed to G's first real game with his team. The boys played well and run dulled them in 3. I kept score, G played a little uptight and nervous. They won and a bunch of us from the team.went to BWs for lunch. Back to the park for game 2 and LD&J showed up go watch. The boys won the 2nd game. G frustrated with being in left field all day... Love watching him play. G&Instayed for the opening ceremonies and competitions. L headed out to see a movie with her girlfriends, D out with DGF7 &J at home playing Xbox. G&I picked J up and we went to Big Boy for dinner and then Creekside to hint Pokemon. Home and L and her friends there. J&G to bed the Lilly got sprayed by a skunk... I cleaned her up and finally made it to bed...