090828 - Big J's 1st day of big K

090828 Up and saw Jack off to his first day of real school, he is in morning kindergarten and is very please with himself and being in the same school with Dylan.
CONGRATULATIONS: About noon today Lori's sister Nicole had her baby Lena, 6lb, 9oz baby girl. We can't wait to meet her and get her picture up here.
I was stuck in the office on the phone all day and mostly doing nothing but Reports again... LG&I greeted Jack as he got off the bus and he told us of his adventurous first day; he liked it! LJ&G out running errands, G had to pee in the Walmart parking lot... I guess all the rain today is affecting him...
Jack's Dr. called, and Jack tested a 'weak positive' for an antibody he is producing that attacks his neutrophil white blood cells. He will call us with more details and a plan on Monday...
Now out for dinner and Jack to a birthday party.
090827 - Pretty uneventful day. I worked on reports and was on calls all day. L went to D's meet the teacher event this evening. then Doc and I helped move Jeff's furniture out of one of our houses that is for sale.