20220219 - Up in the am and did a couple things around the house. Hazel and I got in the car and headed out. We stopped at a car dealership and looked at a car and then headed to the dog park. The dog park was CLOSED! so we headed to the other side of town and looked at another car. We found a dog park on that side of town and tried it out and it was a muddy mess. There was another park half way home that we tried that wasn't as muddy and had some similar pups to Hazel. She had a good muddy time and headed to one more car place on the way home. Home and Carried Hazel to the bathtub. D and DGF13 were here, they took G and a buddy to the OSU basketball game during the afternoon. I got Hazel cleaned up and then D&I ran out to pick up some of Tom's pizzas for dinner. We had dinner and chatted a while before they took off. Up late watching the Olympics and reading.