20220117 - Up WAY TO EARLY and G&I headed across town. The roads were a mess and it was a pretty stressful drive. We got the to Bo Dome in Hilliard for the Turn2 Prep Baseball Showcase and got signed in. Only 3 other older and much bigger kids showed up. G held his own and went first in every event. He looked good and controlled in pitching and did really well hitting. Home and I got to the desk. L headed out and started shoveling the drive. I texted J&G and asked them to go help her. When I took a break I saw L heading across the street to do Doc's drive and went up and got G and forced him out to help her. L&G finished their shoveling and G played int he backyard with Hazel and then headed out sledding with some friends. I got some things done and organized for tomorrow. Hazel and I went on a late walk and got back home when G and his friends were coming in through the back gate. I met the new neighbor, Riley and chatted with him for a bit. In and L had made hot chocolate for G and his buddies and had an extra one so I grabbed it. We had dinner and then watched some football and hung out. I decided I was still hungry so Hazel and I headed to Burger King to grab a late night snack. It was super slippery and icy and we went off the road at one of the corners and I just gave it gas and kept on going. It was LOUD and bouncy and I think it scared Hazel as she was pretty quiet the rest of the night. We got our stuff and headed home. Home and J finally home from being gone for 3 days. I talked to him and bit and took his phone and reinstalled some software on it. I then ate my cold sandwich. To bed, not up late.