20180422 + Up in the am and all to church. After church we headed home and out back to work on the yard. D&I finished edging the west side and L mulched behind us. Then D split off to go out with DGF7. J&G were monkeying around most of the morning not helping much. G headed back to baseball practice, and L&I took J to the Mallon's where he went with them to a dodgeball tournament and then youth group. L&I stayed for a bit and tried to get a printer working, no luck. On to Home Depot to get more mulch, stone and sand. We stopped at the gas station on the way home to get mower gas and grill propane. Home and G helped me get the sandbox cleaned out and then added sand. Gma&paW showed up, they thought G had a game, so GmaW helped finish up the edging and mulch around the playset and after all the decorating was done, GpaW &I got the mower running. L&GmaW got some grass seed spread, I mowed the high clumps and then put the pump on the well. We sat for a minute and then we headed to the Gahanna Grill for a nice dinner. Home and no Walking Dead tonight so we relaxed and watched American Idol until everyone got home and settled.