20180420 - Up in the am and into the office. Got my morning things done and then in for a 4 hr call. Call went ok and I finished up some stuff so I could head out early. I got home and D&I headed to Capital university where we watched game 2 of the Capital vs Wilmington College baseball double header. The coaches saw D from the dugout and yelled up to him, thanking him for coming and letting him know they would be up to chat after the game. It was a chilly afternoon as the sun went down and the Wilmington team lost. After the game the coaches came up and I got to meet them and they talked to D and confirmed he would be playing for them next year. We chatted a bit, i asked as many questions as I could think of and it was all good. D&I headed home and met LJ&G at Massey's for dinner and we sat and chatted a bit about the day and then home to watch a movie.