20111221 + Traffic Wrap
20111221 + Up at 4:30am to start traveling home... Way to early for such a late night walking all over NYC... But I made it into the human laden halls of the air traffic transport system... Flights were very full with people traveling home for the holidays. I made it home about 12 noon 7.5 hours under my belt already... Got to the desk and tried to get caught up on being out for 3 days. After dinner the boys and I ran to the movie store and got a flick and game. Home and they took turns getting cleaned up and wrapping the gifts they had purchased for each other. This made them very excited as they proudly placed them under the tree and started trying to guess what the others had gotten them. Here is J wrapping a gift in the 'Funny Paper' as my Aunt Weezer calls it.. I remember her using comics to wrap a present for me as a kid and now every Sunday I save the comics in a stack in my office so it is ready to wrap any present that crosses our paths. Boys to bed, except D, he got to stay up watching 'Hero's' with me while I went through my 2011 files until 1am.