20170524 - Hug Your Kids

20170524 - Up in the am and in to work. Unusual morning, and day. G had a dentist appointment today. Home a bit early, got L&D and headed to a college financial planner. He talked mostly to D and taught us many things we didn't know. After the meeting D headed to baseball practice and L&I picked up a couple movies and headed home for a left overs dinner. J played the Xbox a bit and G shot the BB gun and jumped on the trampoline as I did email on the back porch. We all headed in and to the basement to watch 'The Great Wall', it was a great movie. D home, all boys to bed and L&I stayed up and watched 'Why Him' a super funny movie.

I learned today that Jack, a guy I interviewed with and worked closely with since I started passed away last Saturday. He had a heart attack last Wednesday followed by complications that he could not beat. He leaves behind a wife and 8 year old twin boys. Please say a prayer for him and his family.