20170303 - Out of the World

20170303 - Barely up and to work today. Had a great call to start the day. Quiet and getting a lot of things done. Finished up a bit early so I go go with the fam tonight and headed home. D was at a baseball camp the high school players are putting on for the community. Home and LG&I headed to school t pick up J from track practice. LJG&I headed across town to drop G off at a buddy'e bday party and then LJ&I headed to the Starliner Diner in Hillard for dinner. It was pretty good, but just nice to sit and relax for a minute. After dinner we headed back, picked up G and headed home. G talked and talked about how great of a dodge ball player he is... Home and D there for 5 seconds before heading to DGF7's. JG&I watched the Sandlot 3, L crashed. D finally home and wrapped up the day. Up till 4am building a KPI tracker online.