20151107 + New Door

20151107 + Up in the am and D fixing the mower while got my things at the desk done quick.  L&J out shopping and D drove G&I around on some errands, Post office, BP to get beer for Doc, Burger King for lunch, Bank, Home Depot, AT&T store and pick up the car from John's.  G&I drove home in the white car and D drove home by himself :-o  Home and D&I worked the rest of the afternoon sizing and installing a new door to my office that we got at a sale from Mr. Higel across the street.  It looks really good.  D and a couple of his buddies walked to the Gahanna football game and LJG&I settled in the basement to watch the OSU game.  D and his friends home early as it was too cold and Gahanna was getting beat badly.