20151123 - Sr. Patrol

20151123 - Up and dropped D off at school on the way to Work. It was a very fast day trying to keep everything together and get extra things done so the holidays would go smooth. Took a break and went to get my hair cut, bad haircut... Picked D up at school from weightlifting on the way home, ate and then to the Scout meeting and a bit frustrated with trying to get reimbursed for the Thanksgiving feast. Even more irate at the news of the new Patrol J finds himself in. Glad D is in the Sr. Patrol. Angry I dropped boys off at home after scouts, checked on Doc, he's not doing well with his eye... I went to Bible Bangers and it was pretty much a venting night for all of us. I am really at the end of my rope with the Scout Troop and they received most of my wrath...