100327 + Turds & Kickball

100327 + Up to a loud house and then turds floating in the basement??? What a way to start spring break. I got things cleaned up and the drain guys called. Then DJG&I headed out. We hit the banks and then Meijer before L called to let us know the drain guys were on the way. We rushed home and met them. It took the guys a couple of hours to clean out the main drain. The boys enjoyed the experience and the we had some interesting conversation while snaking the main line.
D had pulled most everything out of the shed for me so after the drain guys left we headed to the backyard to clean up the shed. Jim & Carry Long stopped by to drop off some Girl Scout Cookies and give us the details on the expected third baby they now have on the way!!! CONGRATS!!!!
Back out to the yard and the yearly cleaning of the shed. L had to go watch Sam and Lena so it was just me and the boys in the backyard, drinking pop and beer and working and playing. We got the shed cleaned out and ready for a full summer of action. The boys played a little baseball, did some swinging and rough-housing with Lilly. Then we all loaded up and headed to the Home Depot to get some supplies. Long John Silver's was the next stop for a good dinner. When we got home we played the years first official game of kickball!!! After a good game we headed in, grass stained and stinking. The boys were hungry again????
We got snacks and then headed to the movie room to watch 'Fantastic Mr. Fox'. It was a great movie. L got home and was frightened by the dirty messes they were. G even had his pants on backwards :-o
Showers for all boys and then off to bed. A good and busy first day of spring break!
100326 - Up fast day, bailed out a bit early D&I ran a couple of errands and got some movies for the weekend. Home and played some catch with the boys in the backyard. J had a friend over today and was pretty tired but still did great at soccer practice tonight. Watched 'Astro Boy' in the basement.