081228 - 2 Winger Christmases

081228 - Up, L&D to church where Dylan was the only acolyte. When L&D got home the rest of us loaded up, did a couple of errand on the way up to the Farm.
Made good time up to the Farm, where Mark, B & their girls met us. The kids enjoyed swinging on the rope, Dusty the cats... Somehow Gma&paW had arranged lunch and everything was very nice, even Weezer stoped by. I got Lilly caged up and the fam loaded. We said goodbye to the Halstead clan as they headed home and we headed to the Winger Christmas party in Shelby.
Arrived @ John & Mary Terry's just in time to eat again! But it was more good food I couldn't resist... Ugh! There was nice conversations and a nixer game that was pretty fun, and a cell phone call from Santa. The kids each got a bag of stuff and played together & with the train non-stop. A very nice party I have always remebered & enjoyed. The crowd started to thin and we packed up back off to the Farm.
We regrouped w/ Gma&paW and had another present exstavaganza! Everyone got something they wanted and the next several hours were spent putting things together. We even had more to eat (BURTSING). The boys settled down, and we got them to bed: for a minute... Grant decided he didn't want the parties to be over and came back out to watch a video on Mansfield w/ us. He did finally fall asleep and GpaW & I had a short time to have a good talk. Off to bed, tossed & turned till about 5...