080913 - Clean-up

080913 - Up, L,D&G out to get groceries. J&I to the Home Depot, the vacum bag store and the movie store. All met back at home for lunch and we started cleaning up garage from the project. Made 2 boards out of a scrap beam section, it took 1 hr/ board. Finished up the garage clean out so we can now get the car back in. Everyone out to Gary & Marlene's to watch the OSU game, WHAT KIND OF GAME WAS THAT? Home and to bed disgusted!
080912 - Horribly slow day! caught up on a lot of work stuff, started some clean up in the garage, took the fam to Bellacinos for pizza, tried to do some shopping... Home, baths & bed. L&I stayed up to watch a worthless movie...
080911 - Final touches on beam raising prep, inspected all ceiling and wall spaces for mold and water sources, used a camera, all good! Sealed the walls and ceiling. Called in the troops to get the beam up, 8 guys helped me get it raised up and moved into position & all the temporary walls down and the ceiling didn't fall in! THANKS GUYS!!!
L&I clnd up, then I ran over to Docs to fix his heater. Back home and L is rearranging furniture already... We sat there looking at the new expanse and she loves it! I stayed up late and finished the N doc.