080902 - Jack update

080902 - Jack update
Ok so the Dr called back today and said there are 2 things abnormal from Jack's blood test.
1 = Neutrophils are 990 [1500 - 4000 is normal, Jacks were about 990 7 weeks ago]
2 = Haptoglobin counts are low; these are lower in anemic people.
[I am getting a copy of the CBC. If you know how to read this and want a copy please let me know.]

The Dr. said at this point based on the initial neutrophil count of 300, we all did the right thing by taking immediate steps to see why they were so low. But with this latest test result with the neutrophils in the 990, being almost identical to the original blood test that gave the pediatrician the flag to look into the anemia, he thinks this may be Jack's normal level of neutrophils. While it is lower than average it may be a result of some previous infection that may have gone even months back...

BUT, we still do not know why it dropped so low into the 300 range...

Bottom Line: They are not sure what is going on with Jack, but at this point they are not alarmed.
Plan: Jack will have a blood test every 4-6 weeks for the upcoming six months to see what pattern, if any, there is in his blood counts. Further action can only be decided with these tests.

Please keep Jack in your continuing thoughts.