080822 - Blur

080822 - Oh Jesus. What is going on?
Today Jack's Dr. Called and wanted to see us about his blood test. His neutriphiles (a type af white blood cell) count is HORRIBLY LOW, 300, instaed of 1500. The Dr. is setting up an appointment at Children's hospital for us first thing next week...
When we got back from the Dr. I immediately looked this up, and for the most part it is really not good. There are some reasons that his count would be low that are not nightmarish, and we are hoping Jack's reason is one of those.
I am in a complete haze. Life over the last couple weeks has been an undesired blur...
080821 - Busy day at work. This evening we had some friend and their kids over for dinner and to play. The kids were horribly loud, but they had a blast. Up late watching the olympics and the working till 4.