20190108 - Up in the am and time for the boys to go back to school. I dropped J off and headed in to work. Have new software changes to test today. Had a busy day at work and then headed home. Home and L&I disassembled our bed, expecting a new mattress tomorrow afternoon while D&G were at the baseball place and J was running 4 miles... I ran to pick J up and then L&I headed to Westerville to an Eagle Scout Board of Review for Cameron Varney; HE DID IT! Cameron is now an Eagle Scout! Congrats! After the BOR L&I met DJ&G at O'Chaley's for a farewell dinner for D, he is heading back to school tomorrow. We had a nice dinner and them headed home to relax. G&I played a couple rounds of 'Mastermind' and then everyone to bed, L&I camped out on the floor for the night.