20190121 - Up slow in the am and headed in to work through the 1 degree weather passing a lot of accidents on 270 this morning. Hit the desk and organized things from the testing over the weekend. Everything appears to be ok. L&G heading downtown for a basketball tournament today, I am going to try and get out of here early to watch some of the games. Headed out and got to G's 2nd game as it was wrapping up, they won! We had a break before the next game so LG&I ran to a Mr. Hero that close for lunch YUM! Headed back to the school and had 2 more intense games, the second was the championship game. The boys played really good the last 3 minutes and ended up losing by 1 :-o Home and I did some work on the Scout Library. L&I hung out and watched some TV while the boys played Xbox. Evening wound down and we watched some of America's Got Talent and I headed out with Doc to a good Bible Bangers.