20180215 - Dancing Shoes

20180215 - Up in the am and in to work. Had an ISO meeting first thing this morning and had to do my updates for the calls that followed during that meeting as the data was still coming in...  Had the normal Thursday call and then Monthly and they went as usual. Out to the desk to try and stay ahead of the wave. L went to help at her last elementary party today. G was not excited about the dancing part and said he would not participate...  guess he changed his mind ;-) Finished up the day and headed home. Had dinner with LJ&G. D home and we talked to him about one of his favorite teachers that we learned today that took his own life... I ran G to basketball practice, ran through the bank and dropped J off at a friends to spend the night. Home for only a min before had to pick G up from practice. Home and watching the Olympics.Aunt Betty out of the ICU and doing better.