20180210 - Up late in the am and got ready for the day. L was at Zomba, D was heading to a local elementary school to run the clock at a basketball tournament for community service required for his Government class. J is at someone house we might see him sometime today and G is in the basement on the Xbox. D home and L ran to get J. D headed to DGF7's and J hung out at home, his buddy Patrick is coming over to spend the night. LG&I headed to Marysville for a basketball tournament. The boys won their first game and LG&I headed out to get some food. The place I had a coupon for was closed see we stopped at a Chinese place and had the worse Chinese food we have ever had... Back for more basketball and the boys played 2 more games, the last one at 9pm. They played awesome today and won all 3 games! Home around 11 and watched a bit of the olympics. Restless night for me