20180212 - 4 Not Good Calls

20180212 - Up in the am and in to work ready for a big call. A guy I work with left before the call, he was good friends with one of the policemen that was shot in Westerville Saturday and was distraught. Shortly after one of the managers from the floor came in and let me know the wife of one of his techs passed away Friday night... Went through the day moving meaningless tasks forward... Got another text about 4pm that a guy I hired at D1 died last night of Cancer. One more call for the day from the Assistant Principal at D's school letting me know that D has 3 parking tickets and the next time he will be towed... YIKES. I stayed a bit late to finish some things up today and headed home, blew the horn and G ran out to get him to basketball practice. Home and had some dinner with L&J, D was at baseball. After we ate I ran J to Scouts and hung out gathering advancements and working on the reunion site. Left Scouts to pick G up, we headed to Target to get a vday present for L. After our shopping spree we headed back to get J from Scouts and he didn't do what he was supposed to so we had to hang out while he filled out paperwork. I got the deposits done for Summer camp and we headed home. I got Doc and we headed to Bible Bangers and had a great meeting that lasted until midnight. Doc and I swung through the gas station on the way home. Home, got Doc in and stayed up doing some reading with the Olympics in the background.