20220426 - Up in the am and LJ&G at school. I got around and did a couple things and then headed to the tint shop to drop off the car. Penn picked me up and brought me home. Had the weekly IT meeting and then did some mail. Took Hazel on a quick walk and then at the desk for the afternoon. Ran to the trophy place with Andy to line up senior gifts for he baseball players. Had to send a bunch of baseball messages because of all the changes... L home and she took me to Penn's and then she headed to G's game. Penn carried me to pick up the car, IT LOOKS NICE!. I headed to the ball field and G was playing left field? I headed up to the press box and L came up too, with Tom and Terrill. G got a K on a bad call, got on base with error to short and then got hit by pitch, but stole 2and 3 in one go. The infield played awful and we stopped counting the errors... They lost 16 to 3... Home and J was acting up. G&I ate, L and Hazel took a walk and then L&I watched some TV and I got some things done for Boosters. Not to bed late.