20210801 - Up in the am and did a bit around the house. L ran and picked up G and J showed up eventually. I hosted the Performing Arts Boosters on the back porch to teach them about Team App and how we run the Athletic Boosters. One of the guys here for the meeting saw the horse in the backyard and told us a story of when he was in 1st grade and kissed his best friend's girlfriend on the top of that horse. He got his picture taken with it and was going to forward to his friend. IT started pouring so we moved indoors. D stopped over and hung out for a while and had some lunch with us. Then LJ&I headed to Home Depot to get supplies for the next phase of the bathroom remodel. In the afternoon more changes to the baseball team and we went down to 4 players and then Ed got some commits and suddenly we were up to 10 commits. I scrambled around getting the offer letters put together and sending them out. As well as a practice notification for this Tuesday. L&I then sat on the back porch and tried to figure out how to squeeze a vacation in this year... Its not looking good with schedule pickups for J&G next week and XC and baseball practices and team meetings... We all headed to bed disappointed.