20180503 - Up in the am and in to work. We had visitors today so there was no room. Had the weekly call it went well. Finished up the day and headed home. Home and got changed, grabbed speaker and other baseball stuff and headed back to the ball field. G's team played a good game, too many pop-ups, but did great on defense. G pitched the first 4 innings and did really good. Gma&paW are down, they stopped by D's game to watch for a bit, he wasn't playing so they came over to G's game to watch the boys get a W. Home and GpaW&J ran out and got us some Panda Express for dinner. We had a nice dinner and then got the boys settled for the night. D home late, got him working on 2 scholarship that are due tomorrow... Up late with L coughing all over the place and she can't sleep.